Za Koncertno poslovalnico Maribor smo oblikovali podobo za koncertno sezono 2016/2017. Tradicija in častitljiva starost 70 let se odražata v drevesnih letnicah rdečega lika (Komorni cikel), malone organska enovitost in povezanost glasbenikov, ki skupaj igrajo v orkestru se zrcali v celični strukturi, skriti v oranžnem liku (Orkestriski cikel), rast in prihodnost pa v prerezu stebla trave, s katero smo poudarili svežino Cikla za mlade.
Maribor Concert Agency season 2016/2017 is marked by 70 years of tradition (tree ring pattern), orange circle of the Orchestral series communicates the necessity of unity and closeness of musicians playing in an orchestra (human cell structure), while the the green circle with grass cell structure (Youth Series) adds growth and freshness to the picture.