Spletne strani projekta #YOUTHofEU (EU parlament) - informacijski portal, ki vzpodbuja in omogoča aktivno debato med mladimi in poslanci EU parlamenta ter ob novicah o EU in dejavnostih EU parlamenta ponuja tudi poglobljene analize, bloge, multimedijska vsebine... Z rabo socialnih omrežij kreira skupnost, omogoča mreženje ter vzpodbuja in omogoča aktivno državljanstvo in neposredno demokracijo.
#YOUTHofEU project (EU Parliament) web platform for the young generation aiming to actively drive the debate with MEPs and decison makers has three key roles:
- it is a central portal with news, analysis and blogs on EU policy areas, with particular attention to the work and activities of the EP, aimed at the young generation, which will be written by and for the young generation;
- it is the centre of all activities of participatory democracy and dialogue with the EU decision makers, notably MEPs, where under the guidance of the project team, substantive co-ordination of positions of youngsters related to EU topics under the competence of the European Parliament are refined and subsequently voted on by the young generation
- it creates an online community, which will use social media to engage with EU decision-makers and create its own networks; the community will also use the web portal to link online discussions with events taking place both offline and online.

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